Wednesday 21 February 2018

21st February: Santez Gwenn

February 21st - Santez Gwenn
(aka Gwen, Leigh, Mary, or Blanche - her name Gwenn means 'white')

Gwenn was a fifth century Welsh woman, and the wife of St. Fragan. Their first two sons, the twins Guethenoc/Vennec and Jagu/Jacut were born in Wales, and their third son (Guenole) was born shortly after they arrived in Brittany, around the year 460, on the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. Legend has it that God granted her a third breast, in order to feed all three babies at once, hence her nickname 'Teir Bronn' (Breton for 'three breasts'). The family was completed with a daughter, Clervie. Gwenn is venerated as the protector of children and mothers.

God our Creator, mother and father of us all,
we pray for new parents, coming to terms with new responsibility;
and for expectant parents, wondering and waiting;

we pray for those who are tired, stressed or depressed,
and for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;

we pray for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty,
and for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;

we pray for those who have children they do not want,
and for those who raise children on their own;

we pray for those who have lost a child,
and for those who care for the children of others;

we pray for those whose children have left home,
and for those whose desire to be a parent has not been fulfilled.

Bless all parents, and all who offer parental care,
that their love may be deep and tender,
and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.

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