Thursday 8 February 2018

8th February: Sant Jacut

February 8th - Sant Jacut (aka Jago/Jagu)

Jacut of Landoac was born in the 5th century in Wales, the son of Fragan and Gwenn. His twin brother was Guethenoc (aka Weithnoc), their younger brother was Guenole and their sister was Clervie.

The family fled from the Saxons and took refuge in Armorica, landing in the Bay of St. Brieuc, at a place which would become Ploufragan. All three brothers were disciples of St. Budoc (see 8th December - to come!), and Jacut became an itinerant monk. He was buried in the church of the monastery built by his brothers, now the Abbey of St. Jacut.

Four hundred years later, around 878, the monks fled from the Vikings into inland Brittany, taking with them the relics of their saint: the bones of Jacut's arms. This translation of relics is celebrated by churches dedicated to Jacut on 5th July.

Statue of Santez Gwenn, with her three sons:
Gwenole in her arms, Guethenoc to her right, and Jacut to her left

Prayer of the Itinerant

God, heavenly father, eternal spirit, fountain of light,
I thank you for giving me another day to live and light to see.
Since you have seen it good to give me life today,
do not abandon me, do not forsake me,
but be with me as I walk the path laid out for me.
Be behind me as my protector, be before me as my guide,
be beside as my companion, and be above me as my God.
Shed your light on my path that I may see where I go.
Lighten the burden on my shoulders that I may go without hesitation.
Enlighten my heart that I may go with fortitude,
courage, and wisdom wherever I may be.
Grant that I may not err, wander,
or stray from my path at any place or at any time.
Grant that I may always make progress on my path
each and every day,
no matter how little, no matter how slowly,
that I may one day accomplish my true will and destination.
Grant that if anyone walks on my path,
that I may walk with them
in a spirit of perfect brotherhood and fellowship.

(The Digital Ambler, 2011)

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