Sunday 28 January 2018

January 2nd: Stz. Koupaia

January 2nd: Stz. Koupaia, aka Holy Aspasia or Alma Pompeia.

Koupaia was the daughter of King Eusebe de Vannes (ruled 472-490) and Stz. Landouenne.
She married King Hoel I, the Great, who reigned over Armorican Brittany (Dumnonia).
They had seven children, including Hoel II, Tugdal, Leonor, and Seve.
When the Frisians (allies of the Franks) invaded and seized Armorica in 509, Hoel, Koupaia
and their family were driven out and sailed for Grande Bretagne.
Four years later Hoel returned to Brittany, and regained his kingdom.
After his death in 545 Koupaia and their daughter Seve returned to Armorica, in the
immigration led by their son, St. Tugdal. Koupaia settled near the monastery of
Trecor/Treguier, founded by Tugdal, lived as 'a prayerful hermitess', and died there.
Her tomb is in the St. Pompeii church at Langoat, where, along with her own statue,
there are also statues of St. Tugdal, St. Leonor, and Stz. Seve. The church at Sainte-Seve
also contains a statue of Stz. Pompee, and the local name Trebompe is thought to derive
from her name.

Santez Koupaia, daughter, wife, mother, and widow,
Queen and refugee, hermit and saint:
the remembrance of you honours this day, at the start of a new year,
as we, like you, leave the past behind and the future to God.
As you held close your family and your faith,
so may we hold close our families and our faith,
remaining constant in prayer,
and rejoicing in all the blessings of our life.

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