Sunday 28 January 2018

January 3rd: Stz. Jenovefa

3 Stz. Jenovefa, aka Genevieve de Loqueffret

Jenovefa was the sister of St. Edern.
She founded the monastery of Locqueffret near Lannedern, Finistere during the 10th
century C.E.


Da zevez gouel hor patronez! Kristenien kanomp assemblez,
Goulennomp hirio dreist peb tra Bennoz santez Jenovefa (bis)
Evelse goulennomp fizians Feiz, karantez, hag esperanz
Hag e resefomp heb dale Ar grasou-ze digant Doue .

Au jour de la fête de notre patronne, Chrétiens chantons ensemble,
Aujourd'hui, demandons à travers tout la bénédiction de Sainte Geneviève
Ainsi, demandons confiance, Foi, amour, espérance,
Et nous recevrons sans tarder, Les grâces de la part de Dieu .

On the festival day of our patron, Christians sing together,
Today we ask through everything the blessing of Saint Jenovefa.
So we ask for trust, faith, love, and hope
And we will receive without delay the graces from God.

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