Sunday 28 January 2018

January 5th: St. Konwoion

January 5th:  St. Konwoion aka Conwoin or Convoyon (meaning 'sincere warrior').

Born around 800 in Comblessac (Ile-et-Vilaine) of a senatorial ranking family of Gallo-
Roman origin, Konwoion founded the Abbey of the Holy Saviour at Redon, and there
followed the rule of St. Benedict.
Konwoion was also advisor to the local prince, Nominoe, who was faithful to Louis the
Pious and therefore broke his allegiance to Charles the Bald (grandson of Charlemagne
and King of Western France from 843 to 877).
Konwoion may have travelled to plead Nominoe's case to the Pope in Rome.
After frequent Viking attacks in the 860s, Konwoion and his colleagues left the Abbey and 
moved to Maxent, near Plelan-le-Grand.
He was supported by the Count de Poher, Salomon de Bretagne.
Konwoion died on 5th January 868.

Gracious and Holy God, grant us the wisdom to discover you,
the intelligence to understand you, the diligence to seek after you,
the patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you,
a heart to meditate upon you, and a life to proclaim you;
through the power of the Spirit. Amen.

(A prayer ascribed to St. Benedict)

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