Sunday 28 January 2018

January 7th: St. Gourzelv

January 7th: St. Gourzelv, aka Gourzelw or Gwrddelw (meaning 'Image of Man').

Gourzelv was the son of Caw de Cawlwyd, the 6th century Welsh founder of a church in

God said: Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us...
So God created human beings... in the image of God;
male and female God created them.
(Genesis 1.26-27)

God our Father and our Mother,
we give you thanks and praise for all that you have made,
for the stars in their splendour and the world in its wonder
and for the glorious gift of human life.
With the saints and angels in heaven we praise your holy name.

(Methodist Prayer)

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