Sunday 28 January 2018

January 20th: St. Tariec

January 20th: St. Tariec (aka Tarieg)

Tariec was the son of Restitute and St. Leomanie, brother of Sts. Auxilien, Nectain,
Debonne, Magornan, Lugnath, and Secondin, all born in Brittany.
Tariec was a disciple of St. Gweltaz (aka Gildas 'the Sage') and of St. Patrick, who some 
sources say was his cousin.
The chapel on Landeda (aka Tariec Island), a peninsula in Finistere, possessed a wooden 
statue of St. Tariec, now in the chapel of Stz. Marguerite (in the same parish).
There is also a statue of him in the parish church Saint-Conger of Landeda.
A chapel is dedicated to him near Lanilis, and at Plouvien (both also in Finistere) where 
there is also a fountain of devotion bearing his name.
His cult is invoked in Brittany against the advance of the sea.
I have a particular fellow-feeling for him, as this was the day of my ordination in 1990.

Dear God, be good to me:
The sea is so wide, and my boat is so small.

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