Sunday 28 January 2018

January 6th: St. Melan

January 6th: St. Melan (aka Melaine) (from 'melanos' meaning 'black').

Melan grew up near Redon, said to have been a pious child, often being punished for
spending too long at his prayers.
He became a monk, then an abbot, and reluctantly succeeded St. Amand as Bishop of
He was also a trusted advisor to Clovis (King of the Franks, 466-511) and opposed
immigration to Brittany from Britain.
After his death (before 549) at La Vilaine, his body was returned by boat to Rennes,
reputedly travelling against the current without sails or rowers.

Lord Jesus, in your grace and compassion
you welcomed all who came to you
and engaged with everyone, no matter their background.
May we perceive that everyone is our sister or brother;
may we especially open our hearts and our resources
for those who come to our lands
to escape oppression, poverty, persecution, violence, and war.
Break down the barriers in our minds,
banish our fears and our prejudices,
grant us generosity of spirit, to value everyone as your children,
and to build bridges, not walls.

(based on a prayer of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops)

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