Sunday 28 January 2018

January 19th: St. Brevalaer

January 19th: St. Brevalaer ('Raven Prince')

Brevalaer was, according to tradition, a companion of Seni (or Sezni) who came from
Ireland to Brittany in the 6th century, and founded a hermitage in Gwiseni in Finistere.
He gave his name to Loc-Brevalaire in Finistere, and Saint-Broladre in Ille-et-Vilaine, and
may have been a bishop of Dol-de-Bretagne.
He is represented in the parish church of Kerlouan with mitre and crozier; also at Loc-
Brevalaire he has mitre and crozier, but with the addition of a dog and a ferocious beast
that he has tamed at his feet.
His relics were removed from Brittany, at the request of the Saxon king Athelstan, to the
abbey of Milton, Dorset.
He is sometimes confused with St. Brendan.

May the lore of your mighty struggles against terrifying giants & trolls
inspire us with the strength to fight the monsters of our own time:
homophobia, racism, sexism, and all other intolerance & hate
May the example of your honesty and your challenge to Odin himself
give us the courage to speak out against fundamentalism & prejudice
in all the religions of the world, including our own.

(A Prayer to Thor, by Karl Seigfried)

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