Sunday 28 January 2018

January 27th: St Gildwen

January 27th:  St Gildwen (aka Gilduin, Gilduern, and Gelduin de Dol, 'Royal Friend')

Gildwenwas born around 1052, son of the powerful lord of Combourge, Riwallon de Dol
and Aremburge du Puiset , daughter of Gelduin Viscount of Chartres.
One of his paternal uncles, Jungeunee was Archbishop of Dol-de-Bretagnbe, and one of his
brothers, Guillaume, later became Abbot at St-Florent de Saumur.
Gildwen became a deacon in 1072, then canon, and was elected Archbishop of Dol by
Pope Gregory VII because of his piety and purity.
Gildwen protested against this choice, because of his youth (25 years old) and
inexperience, and travelled to Rome, accompanied by Even, Abbot of St.-Melaine de
The Pope agreed to appoint Even in Gildwen's stead.
Leaving Rome, Gildwen decided to make a pilgrimage to Chartres, where his maternal
family originated.
During the walk he died of a high fever in the Abbey St. Pere-en-Vallee, near Chartres.
He is buried in the choir of the abbey church, and is honoured as patron of pilgrims.

God is the beginning and the end of life's pilgrimage:
Lord, be the companion of our journey.

Holy God, of old you made yourself the guide and the way
for your people as they wandered in the desert;
be our protection as we begin this journey,
so that we may return home again in safety:
Lord, be the companion of our journey.

You have given us your only Son to be our way to you;
help us follow him faithfully and unswervingly:
Lord, be the companion of our journey.

You guide your pilgrim Church on earth through the Holy Spirit;
may we seek you in all things
and walk always in the way of your commandments:
Lord, be the companion of our journey.

You lead us along right and peaceful paths;
grant that we may one day see you face to face in heaven:
Lord, be the companion of our journey.

(Adapted from the Catholic Blessing of Pilgrims)

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